Gatsby is awesome

January 06, 20193 min read

Before I get down to the title of this post, I need to rewind to a few years ago to tell a story.

A bit of history

My mother is the owner of a small restaurant in my native village in the south of France. A few years ago, in 2013, she took the business over after 3 years of closure. As her son is a web developer, she asked me if that wouldn’t be too much work to build a website for her, and of course, I accepted. Partly because that’s the least I could do for her, and partly because I wanted to use this as a learning opportunity - design and tech wise.

First I had to decide on the stack. I initially decided to remain simple and coded this up with a plain PHP and good old includes and custom CSS. That worked for a bit, but as I had setup the continuous delivery at work, I couldn’t be bothered to start a FTP client to update some content, and PHP wasn’t interesting me to learn.

As I was getting proficient at Django, I decided to rewrite it in Python and host it on Heroku. I didn’t want to waste any time operating any production machines, or worse get some security setting wrong. I looked at using a Docker compose setup from a cookie cutter template, but my dev machine wasn’t supporting Docker well at the time. I also migrated the front-end to Bootstrap to make it responsive and give it a more decent look. I used Wagtail CMS to allow the content to be edited without my intervention. I had a CI/CD running and I was happy. Later, I added a “free” SSL, but unfortunately, it required switching to a Heroku paying tier. Also, Django moved forward, and I didn’t keep up.

Fast forward to 2018, and the site was running an outdated stack, potentially leaving it insecure, and the CMS feature has barely been leveraged. So I was paying each month for something clearly over-engineered.

List of requirements

After all these mistakes, I decided to start by making a list of things I needed, and to pick the next stack based on this:

  • Reduce complexity of operation as much as possible
  • Reduce work to keep it up to date as much as possible
  • SSL certificate, Let’s Encrypt FTW!
  • Ability to have a deploy preview for each pull requests
  • Using a language I know about
  • Using a new technology I’m exited about, if possible
  • With CMS capability, if possible

And the winner is…

Gatsby & JavaScript tooling

Gatsby + Netlify

Last year, I heard a lot about static site generators and one that caught my attention is Gatsby. I learned a bit of React at the end of 2017 (I recommend Wes Bos’ React for beginners course) and I liked its syntax. On the other hand, I’ve got a glimpse of the power of Netlify and its great development experience at work. In combination with Renovate, it looked like I could achieve all my checklist. There was even a CMS option! Only condition: make the Github repo public. Doesn’t sound like a problem to me!

After playing around with small throwaway projects, I figured I liked Gatsby, but Netlify CMS was a bit too much for now. I went on to start my site using the Gatstrap template, based on Bootstrap. This might make some people scream “why???”, but I wanted to get a CSS baseline I could build upon, and I already knew Bootstrap quite well. Let’s not try to learn too much at the same time!

After a bit of fiddling, the whole development experience is amazing. By open sourcing, I get all sort of services available to help me with code quality checks, Netlify deploy preview, and Renovate to keep dependencies up to date. I was so satisfied about this last one that I ended up activating auto merge. The site automatically keeps itself up to date! How amazing is that? Compared to PyUp (the Python equivalent I knew of) it behaves much better, especially when a rebase is needed.

Final words

So a big thank you to the whole javascript community. I think all these tools & services are a massive productivity boost. Gatsby enables me to ship a very fast, optimised website following modern standards without me worrying about the details. On top of all this, my hosting costs are down to zero!
